What is Choral Nation?

We are a nation of singers!, Unfortunately a number of us sing for empty houses. Choral Nation is the blog dedicated to getting Americans to move from attending ONE choral concert a year, to TWO through sharing, improving and recognizing marketing practices by community choruses.

Through cases, facts figures and casual observation the author will attempt to make sense of "marketing speak" so that you, the Choral Nation, can increase the size of your audience, the engagement of your singers and the efficiency of your volunteers.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who am I anyway?

A major challenge for the community chorus is acting like " professional marketers", when you are really a hardy band of volunteers. Sometimes there is a graphic artist on staff, sometimes a marketer ( who is always very very busy), and so often a well meaning spouse who is being put out of the house. And  while every one is well meaning ( well except  for the person who comes to meetings just for the food), it's still very hard to keep all these creative brains on the same page.

Where do you start? How do you keep it all together?

One way to think of it, is the same way you think about yourself.  Consumers  evaluate brands as if they were people. You have a name, you have a personality and you have a reputation.  So do brands .They have a name ( Campbell Soup) they have a personality ( nurturing, motherly) and they have a reputation (consistent quality, MMM MM good).

What major brands do, is write this down,  get it agreed through out the organization, and share it with everyone that touches their name.  There are fancy forms and eye catching graphics, but the thrust of it all is people evaluate brands and if they were people. Do I like you? and do I like what you do? Why?Write it down, that's the key

So  Choral Nation, Give it a try. If its easy.. your more then half way there. If its hard.. at least you know what your challenge is.

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