What is Choral Nation?

We are a nation of singers!, Unfortunately a number of us sing for empty houses. Choral Nation is the blog dedicated to getting Americans to move from attending ONE choral concert a year, to TWO through sharing, improving and recognizing marketing practices by community choruses.

Through cases, facts figures and casual observation the author will attempt to make sense of "marketing speak" so that you, the Choral Nation, can increase the size of your audience, the engagement of your singers and the efficiency of your volunteers.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week in Review: The Over Endowed Timpanist

The week was full of smart marketing ideas by clever people. They all address audience needs, in ways that build their brands and in ways any of us can do.

The Over Endowed Timpanist

The Wall Street Journal reports that the NY Philharmonic beat all their fundraising goals and has come back from the recesses of the recession. While fundraising at this level is largely rich people hitting up even richer people, truth be told, they could all give their money to any number of worthy causes. So why the NY Phil? Well one reason (and only one of many) is that the NY Phil gave them something tangible to invest in, something they care about, and can point to vs. a general operating fund. They endowed orchestra members.   Consider it. Is your conductor sponsored?  or accompanist? Professors "chairs" are endowed, why not your piano seat? Perhaps the soprano section? Or the soloists for the next concert? People love to say " Lookee what I just did"  and give money for the darndest things. But if you don't ask, you already know the answer is no..... so......ASK!

Out of the Frying Pan and into the (Seraphic) Fire

Seraphic Fire, the noted professional choral group, found themselves in Wisconsin, directly across from the protests at the state building. While they could have shrugged their shoulders and thought “well not much audience is gonna make it through this mob scene”, they did the gutsy reverse. They invited all the protesting teachers in. For free!  I don’t know how it turned out, but given how the choral music audience skews TOWARDS teachers  ( and if you ever worked with them you know they are a chatty bunch), you can bet if they ever go back to Milwaukee there will be a well of support among some influential talkers. You can read about it here! What community "happening" might you support so that, in time, they will support you?

The Superhero Business Model

So many of us struggle with our business models, ( a business model being simply, where do our resources come from, how do we add value, and who wants to pay or donate to us for performing this activity?) Some very sharp person rejiggered theirs, to make a major difference in some student’s lives with the Superhero Supply Store.  In short, they have built "fake"  storefronts, which sell things to support what goes on secretly in the back, student learning.  It's how they do it that is so immensely clever.  The feature on NBC News can be viewed here . Think about it. Oh the music we could make!

If the Wolf is at the Door let him In !

Alan Wolf that is, of Wolf/ Brown.  This leading arts marketing researcher and thinker has just completed a major study for the NEA looking at  three types or arts participation: those who do, those who observe in person, those who observe through media. Guess what, it differs by the art form.  There will be more about this in a future blog, but if you want to read the top-line that will be "the buzz" for the year,  you can click here.

That's it for the week Choral Nation. Hope it was helpful. Enjoy the weekend and
When in doubt SING OUT!

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